Clerk of the Circuit Court
~ Lee County Virginia ~

The Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court is where all documents (deeds, deeds of trust, etc.) involving property transactions in the County arerecorded. Recording fees may be paid by cash, check or with a VISA or MASTERCARD credit/debit card. A convenience fee of 4% is applied to credit/debit card transactions.
In order for a document to be recorded, it must be one that is authorized by law to be recorded in the Deed Book and it must meet certain statutory provisions. Recordation fees and taxes vary according to the type of document being recorded. Recording hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Documents presented after normal recording hours will be recorded the next business day.
Land records are available in the Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court. Copies may be obtained in the office at a cost of 50 cents per page. An additional fee of $2 per document is charged for certified copies.
Filing Requirements
All documents presented for recordation must be originals that have been signed and notarized containing the notary language, venue information, as well as the notary’s information – including notary registration number and the notary’s seal pursuant to the Code of Virginia. While incorrect fees, missing cover sheets and improper notaries may be the most common reasons to reject and return land records, there may be many other reasons for return. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact our office before you submit your land records for recording.
You may refer to for deed calculations.
Virginia law (§ 17.1-227.1) allows clerks to require a cover sheet for all recordings. Our office requires the Virginia Land Record Cover Sheet for all land recordings. VLRCS Generator (
E-Recording Vendors
Our office now accepts e-recording through Simplifile and CSC. For e- recording cover sheet are required. If you would like to e-record please contact one of our vendors.
Phone: 800-460-5657 | Website:
Phone: 866-652-0111 | Website: | E-Mail: